The intent and overall focus of the 'Service Excellence Framework' is to provide a guide for assessment, coaching and development work for recreation and rarks services. The content is designed to define, monitor, assess, evaluate and recognize outstanding performance in recreation and parks services. This Framework os organized around five modules (see earlier post for details): community building, programs, facilities, parks and management. Overall, there are approximately 120 practice guidelines, each supported by 5-10 quality indicators.
The process ahead will first refine the practice guidelines and quality indicators with the help of expert panels; then pilot the initiative with some communities in Alberta. Eventually, SEP is planned to expand to other interested provinces and territories across Canada.
Several documents are available to you upon posting a request:
- Feedback Summary of Responses from Jasper Oct. 21/10 session
- Roles and Terms of Reference for both the Service Excellence Advisory Team (SEAT) and for the PANEL members
- the draft Service Excellence Program Overview
- the very early draft Audit/Assessment tool or Framework
The Service Excellence Advisory Team (SEAT) currently consists of an Executive Team of 7 practitioners plus 5 ex officio resource people from ARPA and ACE. This Executive team is prepared to lead the way and are having their first orientation phone conference session on December 7th; SEAT members are expected to participate and will hold office for one year until Nov. 30/11.
- The Executive Committee of SEAT consists of Greg Scott as Chair, Elaine Betchinski as Vice Chair, with 5 Module Chairs: Deb Comfort/Community Building, Laura Howarth/Programs, Roger Smolnicky/Facilities, Paul Phaser/Parks and Kim Snell/Leadership and Management
- Brenda Clarke and Ken Balmer of RETHINK (West) Inc. are the resource and development arm of this initiative for the next year.
- Rick Curtis and Carol Petersen represent ARPA; Brenda Herchmer represents ACE Communities.
To provide overall leadership and give suggestions, advice and recommendations to support the successful development, testing and implementation of SEP and the ‘Audit & Organizational Development Framework’. They will advise on the design of the Framework and process to encourage yearly organizational assessments, peer review, coaching and support systems for constant improvement with all recreation/parks programs, facilities, services, community building efforts.
Please join in and help shape results. There are several ways you can become involved with this Service Excellence Program initiative:
1) review comment on PANEL Roles and Terms of Reference and recommend appropriate leaders (even yourself) to fill up to 30 positions per Module ( 5 x 30 = 150 people needed for the PANELS)2) agree to participate as a member on one of the 5 Module PANELS; this volunteer work would expect participation in approximately 3 surveys which will focus on the module of your choice (one of Programs, Parks, Facilities, Community Building or Leadership and Management); also, all participants will be asked to generally review the leadership and management module and then examine their service in detail
3) In the new year, we will be looking for approximately 5 PILOT Communities (rural and urban) to test the Framework over Spring/Summer of 2011. Are you interested in being considered as a PILOT Community?
4) Post general comments, suggestions for improvement and/or questions on this blog. You are welcome to jump on board with us and participate in the development of this important tool; just post a note with your clear request, feedback and contact information. We will get back to you with a response at our earliest opportunity.
We are committed to keeping in touch with you and will post frequent updates. All of our SEAT, Panel and PILOT Community participants will be 'followers' of the blog. Just add you name to the list and you'll get automatic updates as they are posted.
The ultimate target is approval of both the Service Excellence Program and Audit Framework by the ARPA Board of Directors by Oct./11 - in time for an official launch and promotion at the Oct. 27 to 29th ARPA Conference in Lake Louise. The ultimate goal is to achieve endorsement/implementation of this tool by all the ARPA members and municipal practitioners in this field in Alberta.